..Florida State Park Ranger Jeff Nelson and his dad were kind
enough to set up a "Go Fund Me Account" to raise enough
enough to set up a "Go Fund Me Account" to raise enough
money to buy the materials and build a new picnic table
and kiosk for us...
and kiosk for us...
..Our new Kiosk and picnic table will be installed soon at
The Bartram Canoe Trail Park. Jeff is based out of
Ravine Gardens State Park..
Ravine Gardens State Park..
..Jeff Nelson and his dad ROCK!!!
We are most grateful for your hard work..
..Went by the park today to check the water level and here was the
view from the south tip of the island just across Durbin Creek
from the launch. Can you see all 5 non-poisonous
Banded Water Snakes in this one shot?
(hint, top left)
Banded Water Snakes in this one shot?
(hint, top left)
..Apple Snail Eggs near the launch...
...Dragons were out in force..